Swift Transportation is hiring now in Spring Bay, IL for a dedicated CDL-A driving job based out of Prairie du Chien, WI. This lane runs in the Central region and is home weekly or every 2 weeks. The position is for a dedicated account serving an outdoor gear and apparel customer with consistent, predictable freight and hometime.
- $1,300 Average Weekly Pay
- CDL-A Required; 6 months experience required
- Dedicated Lane, Predictable Freight
- Night driving
- Winter driving
- Must be at least 21 years old and hold a valid Class A license.
- No DUI within 10 years if CDL-A holder, none within 5 years if Non CDL-A holder.
- No more than 1 on-road or DOT preventable loss in the last 2 years. No more than 3 preventable accidents in the last 2 years. No major preventable accidents in the last 5 years.
- No serious traffic violations in the past year. No more than 2 moving violations in the last 2 years.
- Must be able to pass a DOT physical and drug test. No drug related conviction in the last 5 years. No use of illegal drugs, positive/refused tests in the past 10 years with CDL-A/CLP.